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Eduardo Jorge de Oliveira close

Eduardo Jorge de Oliveira is a professor, writer and translator.

He is associate professor at ETH Zurich and has previously worked as assistant professor in Brazilian Studies (Literature, Culture, Media) at the Romance Studies Department of the University of Zurich - UZH (2016-2023). He teaches comparative literature, literary theory, visual culture and lusophone and Brazilian literatures. As an art critic he writes about Latin America art.  De Oliveira is a PhD in Literature Theory and Comparative Literature from the Federal University of Minas Gerais – UFMG (Brazil), with research at École Normale Supérieure – ENS, Paris. He was researcher at Center for History and Art Theory – CEHTA, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales – EHESS, Paris (2014-2016), Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte DFK, Paris (2022) and Max Planck Institute, Rome (2022). He has published the following books: Beschweigen, Bezeichnen: Mira Schendel und die Schrift unmittelbaren Erlebens (Denkt Kunst, Diaphanes, 2020, 80 p. Trans. Melanie Strasser); A invenção de uma pele: Nuno Ramos em obras (Iluminuras,

2020, 150 p.). He is co-editor of the book on Oswald de Andrade and the Anthropophagous manifesto: Antropofagias! Um livro manifesto (De Oliveira, Masseno, Bachmann, Carrillo-Morell, Peter Lang, 2020, 325 p) and, with Kenneth David Jackson, Poesia-Crítica-Tradução: Haroldo de Campos e a educação dos sentidos (Peter Lang, 2022, 417 p). De Oliveira is one of the editors of Língua-Lugar, the University of Zurich’s Portuguese Studies Partnership with the University of Geneva:; as translator (French Portuguese), he translated books by Édouard Glissant, Phillipe Lacoue-Labarthe, Jacques Rancière, Michel Carrouges, Muriel Pic, Georges Didi-Huberman).

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