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O mundo a zero:
Drummond, Haroldo de Campos, Ricardo Aleixo e as máquinas d mundo

EDITORAufmg: March 2024

This book explores the expanded notion of the "world machine" in Brazilian poetry from the 1950's to the earliest 2000. This concept of the "machine of the world" is not limited to the passive contemplation inherited from Camões (Os Lusíadas, Canto X, 80-88), although it remains an essential point of reference. For me, the "world machine" evokes an exactitude towards the Portuguese language that emanates from the poetry itself. Three Brazilian poets form a community around this notion: Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Haroldo de Campos, and Ricardo Aleixo. The "machine of the world" acts as a prism to illuminate contemporary production while revealing connections between literature, poetry, and history.

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O fantasma do método

Iluminuras: February 2024

O fantasma do método, de Eduardo Jorge de Oliveira, é daqueles livros que escapam às definições usuais. “Talvez seja o momento de abolir a diferença entre prosa e poesia, ou aqui é pesquisa acadêmica, ali é literatura”, adverte o autor, que é poeta, ensaísta e professor universitário. Ao não se restringir a uma forma determinada, o livro amalgama aspectos de gêneros literários distintos, apresentando-se, ao mesmo tempo, como ensaio, diário, prosa memorialística.

Invented Skins:

Epidermal Readings in Brazilian Art and Literature

Diaphanes: September 2023

A wide-ranging exploration of skin in text, images, and cultural memory.
Skin is unique to each individual. Acting as a record, it details aspects of a person and a collective memory. Each skin possesses a sensitivity that touches and it is touched by the world. It mediates temperature fluctuations and is marked by cuts, accidents, and its own history. Skin marks us in the world, giving us the outline of individuals. Invented Skins focuses on the skin to consider the social dimension of texts and images throughout cultural memory, showing that skin is a biological reality that occupies a physical and psychic space but also unfolds in the imagination.

Beschweigen Bezeichnen

Beschweigen, Bezeichnen:
Mira Schendel und die Schrift unmittelbaren Erlebens

Diaphanes: 2020

German/Portuguese: a long-form essay on the art of Mira Schendel

Drawing upon the still scarcely known work of poet and artist Mira Schendel (born 1919 in Zurich, died 1988 in São Paulo), this essay examines the sensory relationship between spectator and the signs presented in visual art. How can we encounter artworks through our senses as immediate experience, rather than only ever ascribing them meaning along the rational/sensual binary? Taking its cues from two of Schendel’s monotypes created in the years of 1964 and 1965, and from their specific materiality of writing and drawing, the author analyzes the intimate interrelation of sign [signo] and secret [sigilo]. In their complicity, the aesthetics as well as ethics of Mira Schendel’s art becomes apparent—an art dissected by linguistic borders, an art which endeavors to move from a migration of letters towards a “potency of the signified.”


A invencao de uma pele book

A invenção de uma pele:
Nuno Ramos em obras

Iluminuras: 2018

Portuguese: a critical monograph on skin and the work of Nuno Ramos

How to make a skin, how to invent it? How to make skin a procedure? These are questions - which are also an invitation and investigation - this book asks us. Inventing a skin, here, is not to go in search of the 'new,' of what promises a new life, an immunity - a more resistant skin -, the ability to isolate ourselves and 'be others.' Far from it: skin, here, is memory and matter, a space of relationship, of contact and contagion, of openness and adhesion. The skin, between matter and memory: what happens between one and the other, the infinity of temporalities, forces, and affects that occur in the folds of matter exposed as skin. Memory and matter at the periphery of the human: there to invent a skin. On that threshold into which the interventions of Brazilian artist Nuno Ramos throw us, this book locates the contours of our sensibility and the scale of our interrogations.

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